Start hiring quality goods and services in an agile, efficient, and advantageous way thanks to joint action by participating members.
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Seu social (Edifici Nexus)
C/ Gran Capità, 2. 08034 Barcelona
Centre de Processament de Dades (Edifici Annexus)
Magatzem cooperatiu GEPA
In this space you will fins our biddings, agreements and job offers, among others.
We report about our biddings through the Public Procurement Services Platform of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
More informationYou will find all the procedures and formalities that you can formalize online: generic request, complaints and suggestions, etc.
More informationAccess to the notifications addressed to citizens and companies through e-NOTUM.
More informationThe e-FACT platform is available to Consortium providers for the submission and tracking of invoices.
More informationBarcelona
Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus)
93 205 6464
Parc de Gardeny 8 C (GEPA)
93 551 6242
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Web project developed by ACTIUM Digital