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Seu social (Edifici Nexus)
C/ Gran Capità, 2. 08034 Barcelona
Centre de Processament de Dades (Edifici Annexus)
Magatzem cooperatiu GEPA
This website, with DNS address, is property of CSUC, with tax number Q-5856253-I and with registered address at: C. Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus) 08034 Barcelona.
Website goals are:
The administrative information provided on this website does not replace the official publication of provisions and statements in the DOGC and other official bulletins. The printed edition of these official bulletins is the only instrument that certifies its authenticity and its contents.
CSUC guarantees the confidentiality of any personal data that may be requested on this website and the implementation of the technical and organizational measures needed to guarantee security in the storage of this data, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679. This data will under no circumstances be used for purposes other than those stated.
To exercise the right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose this data, please fill the corresponding form:
And send it to:
Data controller
Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC)
C/ Gran Capità, 2 (Nexus building)
08034 Barcelona
Data Protection Chief
Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC)
C/ Gran Capità, 2 (Nexus building)
08034 Barcelona
CSUC will decide on the request for access, rectification, cancellation and opposition within a maximum of one month from the date of receipt of the application. In case of not having the data of the applicant, he/she will be informed in the same term.
According to the Catalan Data Protection Authority, the control over personal data is exercised through the so-called ARCO rights (Access, Rectification, Cancellation and Opposition), which give people the power to protect this information and perform an effective control over it.
Anyone can request access to its data and get free information on whether personal data is processed, for what purpose and specific uses, from where data has been obtained, if it has been communicated or it is intended to, and to whom.
Wrong or incomplete personal data can also be rectified. Indeed, cancellation of data can be requested in case of inadequate, excessive or unnecessary use, or when data has been stored for longer than purview or is contrary to the GDPR.
Cancellation causes the blockage of data, and this data must only be at disposal of public administrations, judges and courts to meet the responsibilities that may exist. Once the time limit expires, data must be deleted. Finally, anyone can oppose the treatment of its personal data without cancelling it, for example for purposes of sending advertising or performing a market research.
CSUC carries out a record of processing activities that can be found in the detailed description of the Record of processing activities (in Catalan).
Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus)
93 205 6464
Parc de Gardeny 8 C (GEPA)
93 551 6242
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