Start hiring quality goods and services in an agile, efficient, and advantageous way thanks to joint action by participating members.
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Seu social (Edifici Nexus)
C/ Gran Capità, 2. 08034 Barcelona
Centre de Processament de Dades (Edifici Annexus)
Magatzem cooperatiu GEPA
Cloud Services
Fast, easy, secure and confidential access to services of the university and research community of Catalonia with UNIFICAT.
We make life easier for the user by allowing access to the institution's cloud services with a single authentication. Safe and fast!
Do you want to sign in to the cloud services used by an institution? With UNIFICAT you no longer need a different authentication system for each service, instead, with a single username and password you can access a wide range of services.
UNIFICAT is the identity federation service for the university and research community of Catalonia. It provides a relationship of trust between all participating organizations to exchange information about the digital identity of their users securely, always preserving the integrity and confidentiality of the information.
Institution services and cloud services are easily integrated. Authentication, authorization, group management, and privacy and security agreements are organized centrally. Service Providers (SP) and Identity Providers (IdP) interconnect with each other through a central component (hub) that is operated by the CSUC.
A single digital identity so that students, researchers and teachers have immediate access to the services that the institution makes available to them!
UNIFICAT follows international models such as eduGAIN, which interconnects identity federations around the world, or REFEDS, which gathers the needs of research identity federations and the academic world worldwide.
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Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus)
93 205 6464
Parc de Gardeny 8 C (GEPA)
93 551 6242
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