
Basic Performance Repositories (RPB)

Developing repositories with minimal customization to help institutions meet their basic needs.

One repository at your service

We provide an instance of institutional repository for exclusive use based on DSpace software, adapted to international regulations, standards and best practices. 

The Basic Performance Repository or RPB is distributed using the Software as a Servie (SaaS) model. This makes repositories to have the same code and functionalities with very limited customization capabilities. 

With the RPB, we provide institutions with an integrated solution that includes both the hardware and software needed to give maximum visibility to their production with compliance with open access mandates. 

The benefits of RPB

  • Configurable and customizable environment at basic level to meet the needs of the institution. 
  • Technical and maintenance assistance, both software and hardware. 
  • Adapted to international regulations, standards and best practices. 
  • Based on DSpace, the world's most used software.

CSUC carries out the initial configuration of the service, which includes the customization of the repository at a basic level, the analysis of work processes, metadata templates, etc. We are working to deliver a repository as appropriate as possible to meet the needs and particularities of the institution that uses the service. 

Once the exclusive instance is available, the institution can manage and finish the configuration of the DSpace by creating users, groups, or roles; by exporting or importing digital objects; by managing communities and collections, etc. 

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