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Seu social (Edifici Nexus)
C/ Gran Capità, 2. 08034 Barcelona
Centre de Processament de Dades (Edifici Annexus)
Magatzem cooperatiu GEPA
Anella Científica
The Anella Científica offers a safe and redundant Internet connection for the academic and research community in Catalonia.
The Anella Científica (Scientific Ring) network connects institutions related to the R+D+I world to promote research and education. It offers a safe and reliable connection that promotes collaboration and strengthens the academic and research community in Catalonia. In addition to connectivity, with different speeds and modalities, the institutions from the Anella have access to several services to meet their growing connectivity needs.
Thanks to the Anella Científica, users have a great data capacity, which helps with the exchange of information, the access to CSUC resources and the use and development of broadband applications. The connection to other external networks is also guaranteed with the Anella Científica, whether they are research or commercial networks.
Good connectivity, bandwidth, resilience and visibility. The Anella Científica also includes a package of services that are essential for keeping your institution connected and up to date as new needs are required.
The backbone of the Anella Científica is distributed in several nodes interconnected with each other in ring and with double power supply, which have 100 Gbps links with redundant connections at physical and logical level.
In addition to efficiently interconnecting all user institutions, the output of the Anella to the global internet is diversified through redundant connections with external networks. This is the case of the Spanish academic and research network RedIRIS, the Catalonia Neutral Internet Exchange Point CATNIX, and the differenciated networks towards two commercial providers for the institutions not affiliated to RedIRIS.
The Anella takes into consideration the territory, and that is why it has three nodes of territorial concentration with a double power supply in Girona, Lleida and Tarragona.
When an institution connects to the Anella Científica, it needs one or more connection points to this network. We identify two different types of connections points:
We guarantee maximum availability and reliability in accessing the Consortium’s communications equipment and additional services 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Because incidents don't understand schedules!
We send a monthly summary report to the affiliated institutions that reflects their traffic status and their open incidents. The report, which is sent on the first of every month, collects data from other Anella tools: CACTI, which provides a summary of the institution's traffic at all access points; SMARTxAC with Netflow, the traffic monitoring and analysis platform; and open incidents in ServiceDesk.
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Related or complementary services
Safe and easy mobility for students, researchers and staff of the institutions participating in this international initiative.
More infoWe respond to security issues thanks to the CSUC-CSIRT team and the DDoS attack detection and mitigation platform.
More infoThe Anella Científica provides various services and tools that improve the use and visibility on the web to get the most out of it.
More infoWe optimize your internet connection with monitoring tools so that you can check your network status at all times.
More infoBarcelona
Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus)
93 205 6464
Parc de Gardeny 8 C (GEPA)
93 551 6242
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