

Variety of storage solutions to meet the requirements of supercomputing user groups.

Given the large volumes of data managed in supercomputing, it is essential to have a robust, fast, and reliable storage system to facilitate the effective processing of this information. The total storage capacity of CSUC is 60 PB, with different solutions available depending on the needs of each supercomputing user group.

Data storage on disk

  • For large volumes of data. This type of storage is designed to accommodate emerging workloads such as high-performance data analysis, artificial intelligence, and big data.
  • For high performance, it is especially suited for computations that require greater capacity than what the nodes provide.
  • For virtualization and cloud platforms.

Tape data storage

  • We have an infrastructure with a 12 PB capacity for long-term preservation


The storage infrastructure has been funded through the Next Generation Recovery Plan, as part of the European Union's response to the COVID-19 pandemic under the FEDER Operational Programme of Catalonia 2014-2020. 

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Gorka Roldan

+34 93 567 9817

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