Open Science

Digital Memory of Catalonia (MDC)

Digitized collections about Catalonia and its heritage.

The Digital Memory of Catalonia (MDC) is a cooperative repository for open access digitized collections on Catalonia's heritage, mostly with documents of graphic nature. 

Among more than two million digitized objects, MDC collects photografies, maps, posters, manuscripts, personal diaries, incunabula and a long list of other material related to Catalonia. For example, it is worth noting the collections related to the Spanish Civil War that allow the study of political, economic, social and cultural events. 

The benefits of MDC 

  • Increases visibility of some collections that, due to its rarity or physical condition, are restricted or difficult to acces. 
  • Promotes the digitization of the Catalan heritage, allowing the joint querying. 
  • Provides the tools for preservation of content. 
  • Describes the images with international standards, and provides these images to portals like Europeana. 

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