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Full-text monographs in open access to help disseminate and increase the visibility of the research published in Catalonia.
The repository of Catalan Open Academic Monographs (Monografies Acadèmiques Catalanes en Obert) is a digital platform to showcase books from publishing institutions in Catalonia. MACO provides the infrastructure and expertise to these institutions to publish digitally and openly, thus ensuring the accessibility of the published monographs.
MACO operates with the open-source program DSpace and follows the interoperability protocol of the Open Archives Initiative (OAI), which increases the visibility of the monographs it incorporates as they are offered alongside other international repositories such as OpenAire.
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Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus)
93 205 6464
Parc de Gardeny 8 C (GEPA)
93 551 6242
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