Anella Científica

Time Server

An NTP (Network Time Protocol) time server allows the synchronization of the computer system clocks. The NTP service is based on a hierarchy of servers known as Stratum servers, which are often integrated into network equipment. The highest level (0) provides the time and each level of the hierarchy indicates the number of jumps to the reference clock (0). Stratum changes do not involve loss of reliability.

We have a server at each CSUC point of presence:

  • CSUC-CN, on the CSUC premises on UPC North Campus
  • CSUC-T, in the second node

If one of the servers goes down, the other will automatically come into use, providing redundancy and increasing the availability of the service.

Both servers are Stratum 0/1 because they both operate as a reference clock and as Stratum 1, while the backbone routers of the Anella Científica are Stratum 2. By default, institutions synchronize their routers with Stratum 2, but if an institution prefers to synchronize directly with Stratum 1, it can make a request at ac-noc@suport.csuc.cat.

The time server helps maintain accurate time synchronization of network devices to ensure that all applications run smoothly and that logging on all machines is consistent.

Both servers are Stratum-1 based on GPS receivers and antennae. At CSUC-CN there is a Meinberg Lantime M320 and at CSUC-T, a Meinberg M200.

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