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Seu social (Edifici Nexus)
C/ Gran Capità, 2. 08034 Barcelona
Centre de Processament de Dades (Edifici Annexus)
Magatzem cooperatiu GEPA
Anella Científica
The domain name system (DNS) is based on a hierarchical structure in which millions of servers around the world have part of the information needed for the Internet to function.
CSUC contributes to improving security and availability by maintaining replicas and secondary servers of different domains.
Initially there were 13 root servers in the world, all the same among them. Of these, ten were in the United States, two in Europe, and one in Japan. The small number of root servers and the high concentration in the United States led some of the managers of these servers to consider having replicas in various strategic locations.
Replicas distributed around the world improve the security and availability of this essential service for the network operation. When DNS does not work or its access is degraded, applications as common as the web or social networks access become unusable or penalized.
At CSUC we maintain secondary and replicas of root servers and Top-Level Domains (TLDs).
These replicas increase service quality by improving response time for DNS queries, as well as increasing security, as it guarantees service in case of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks.
We offer the possibility of maintaining replicas of all the domains of the institutions of the Anella Científica.
That is because we are secondary to your institution's domain, all you have to do is set up your servers correctly and fill out the DNS Zone Secondary Request Form.
The Internet uses a special domain ( to translate from IP addresses to names, as opposed to other domains, which translate from names to IP.
It works to ensure the correspondence of IP addresses to names and is used to increase security, for example in checking the reliability of mail servers.
It is highly recommended that any institution with a range of IP addresses assigned from the Anella Científica request the delegation of its reverse.
In addition, from the CSUC we will be secondary to these reverses.
Configure the server to resolve your inverses!
Oferim la possibilitat d'allotjar les teves zones en els nostres servidors primaris de DNS en un entorn d'alta disponibilitat al cor de l'Anella Científica.
We offer the ability to host your zones on our primary DNS servers in a high availability environment in the heart of the Anella Científica.
We offer two DNS servers to connected institucions at the Anella Científica. To provide redundant hosting, each of these two servers is located in one of the two CSUC's nodes, and its internet access is diversified. In that way, one goes through CSUC-CN and the other through CSUC-T. The address of Campus Nord server is ( and uses RedIRIS connection, whereas CSUC-T server address is ( and accesses to Internet via Orange.
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The Anella Científica offers a safe and redundant Internet connection for the academic and research community in Catalonia.
More infoWe optimize your internet connection with monitoring tools so that you can check your network status at all times.
More infoThe Anella Científica provides various services and tools that improve the use and visibility on the web to get the most out of it.
More infoSafe and easy mobility for students, researchers and staff of the institutions participating in this international initiative.
More infoWe respond to security issues thanks to the CSUC-CSIRT team and the DDoS attack detection and mitigation platform.
More infoBarcelona
Gran Capità, 2 (Edifici Nexus)
93 205 6464
Parc de Gardeny 8 C (GEPA)
93 551 6242
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